I am an aspiring biologist currently working on my PhD at CU Boulder. I am in charge of updating the Antarctic Freshwater Diatoms website. I am also working on diatom community responses to wildfire. I conducted a paleolimnological study of Texas reservoirs investigating the factors driving the occurrence of harmful algal blooms for my Masters. My favorite genus these days is Neidium. In my "spare time", I've been working on sorting out the wealth of Neidium taxa present in the Colorado front range.
I have always loved the water however it was during an 82 day long trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area that I realized I would like to devote my life's work to protecting these ecosystems.
Species contributed
Luticola hamiltonii | Neidium amphigomphus | Neidium bisulcatum | Neidium fossum | Neidium iridis | Pleurosigma delicatulum | Stauroneis alabamae