The Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network (GLKN) National Park units have utilized diatoms for lake monitoring and paleoecological reconstruction since 2005. GLKN monitoring uses surface sediment diatom assemblages as biotic indicators of change in concert with regular water quality visits in a program that began in 2006 as an early warning system for detecting change in lakes. Sediment core analysis has provided context on historical and recent environmental changes impacting some of our most protected lakes. This project is documenting the taxonomy and ecology of the over 500 diatom species that have been found at >1 percent abundance in lakes from Indiana Dunes, Isle Royale, and Voyageurs national parks, Apostle Islands, Pictured Rocks, and Sleeping Bear Dunes national lakeshores, Grand Portage National Monument, Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, and St Croix National Scenic Riverway.
Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network (GLKN)
GLKN uses diatoms for paleoecology and biomonitoring of lakes in Upper Midwest National Park units.
This project is a collaboration between the St. Croix Watershed Research Station and the National Park Service to develop species pages based on collections from the Great Lakes’ National Parks.
Lacustriella | Semiorbis | Semiorbis eliasiae | Navicula hasta | Lacustriella lacustris | Eunotia zasuminensis | Lindavia ocellata | Lindavia delicatula | Lindavia michiganiana | Melosira normannii | Pulchellophycus schwabei | Pulchellophycus | Cymbellafalsa | Cymbellafalsa diluviana | Stephanodiscus medius | Denticula kuetzingii | Semiorbis hemicyclus
National Park Service
Diatoms and water quality in Great Lakes National Parks - Mark Edlund, Joy Ramstack Hobbs, David Burge
Mark Edlund
Content Editor, Centric Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board
Senior Scientist Science Museum of Minnesota
David R.L. Burge
Assistant Scientist St. Croix Watershed Research Station
Phytoplankton Scientist Natural Resources Research Institute
Joy Ramstack Hobbs
Associate Scientist St. Croix Watershed Research Station, Science Museum of Minnesota
David VanderMeulen
Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network