ONLINE Workshop

Our goals were to

1) focus on a single taxon and describe its features, ecology, and distribution,
2) learn about original descriptions,
3) understand more about how to see diatoms and their structure.

We guided participants in learning how to better use the Diatoms of North America website ( and gather the information needed to produce a "species" page. However, most of all we had a great opportunity to meet new people and have fun.

Six groups broke off into individual "rooms" to study their taxon. Each instructor guided the discussion of elements of their taxon page. We considered the taxon dimensions (length, width and striae)? We examine the features of each taxon. Groups had the opportunity to write, or improve upon, the observations of specimens. We considered how the features compared to the features of other species in the genus. Some groups were most interested in learning how to gather hard-to-find literature and original descriptions.

As a result of the workshop, taxon pages have been reviewed and opened on


  • Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting 2021

    Taxon Page Workshop - Sarah Spaulding, Paula Furey, Marina Potapova, Ian Bishop, Sylvia Lee, and Mark Edlund


Sarah Spaulding

Content Editor, Symmetric Biraphid Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board

Ecologist US Geological Survey

Paula Furey

Content Editor, Eunotioid Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board

Freshwater Ecologist Department of Biology, St. Catherine University

Marina Potapova

Content Editor, Monoraphid Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board

Curator Diatom Herbarium, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Drexel University

Ian Bishop

Content Editor, Araphid Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board

Graduate Student Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island

Sylvia Lee

Content Editor, Keeled Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board

Biologist U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Mark Edlund

Content Editor, Centric Diatoms Diatoms of North America, Editoral Review Board

Senior Scientist Science Museum of Minnesota

Heera Malik

Phycologist (Staff Scientist) Rhithron Associates Inc., Montana

Ph.D. Ecology and Environmental Sciences University of Maine

Clint Davis

Algal Taxonomist/Ecologist Rhithron Associates, Inc.

Dennis Vander Meer

Diatomist Rhithron Associates, Inc., 33 Fort Missoula Rd., Missoula, MT 59804

Somayyeh Kheiri

Research Scientist Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, National Botanical Garden, Tehran, Iran

Sarah Shainker

PhD Student University of Alabama at Birmingham

Kui Hu

Ph.D. Student Biology Department, Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program, North Dakota State University

Workshop images
Image Credit: Participants in the workshop.
Illustrations based on an uninformative/confusing set of features.
Neidium distinctepunctatum guide2
Image Credit: Paula Furey, Kui Hu, Heera Malik
Neidium distinctepunctatum
Sellaphora javanica guide2
Image Credit: Ian Bishop
Sellaphora javanica
Navicula hasta guide2
Image Credit: Mark Edlund
Navicula hasta
Sellaphora stroemii guide
Image Credit: Marina Potapova, Sarah Shainker
Sellaphora stroemii
Ninastrelnikovia gibbosa guide
Image Credit: Clint Davis, Somayyeh Kheiri
Ninastrelnikovia gibbosa