
Cyclotella distinguenda has smaller valves, a lower stria density and the central area covers 1/3 to 1/2 of the valve face. Cyclotella gamma has 1-2 distinct central fultoportulae, uniseriate striae and the central area covers 1/2 of the valve face. Cyclotella meneghiniana has smaller valves, more distinct alveolae and the central area covers 1/3 to 1/2 of the valve face. Cyclotella agassizensis has smaller valves, a lower stria density and small, submarginal spines.

LM scalebar = 10 µm
Cyclotella quillensis LM7 Cyclotella quillensis LM6 Cyclotella quillensis LM5 Cyclotella quillensis LM3 Cyclotella quillensis LM4 Cyclotella quillensis LM2 Cyclotella quillensis LM1
24.9-54.7 µm
Width Range
3.4-4.5 µm
Striae in 10 µm
16-17 based on circumferential density, 5-6 based on chord count

Cyclotella distinguenda

Hust. 1927

Cdis29 2 Cdis22 9 Cdis22 9B Cdis19 6 Cdis12 7 Cdis11 8B Cdis9 6
7.4-21.9 µm
Striae in 10 µm
12.5-14.7 (by circumference)

Stephanocyclus gamma

(Sovereign) Kulikovskiy, Genkal and Kociolek 2022

Cyclotella Gamma 1 Cyclotella Gamma 2 Cyclotella Gamma 4 Cyclotella Gamma 5 Cyclotella Gamma 6 Cyclotella Gamma 7
18.1-48.2 µm
Striae in 10 µm

Stephanocyclus meneghiniana

(Kütz.) Kulikovskiy, Genkal and Kociolek 2022

Cy Meneghiniana 15624A 09212015 07 Cl Cy Meneghiniana 15640A 10132015 08 Cl Cy Meneghiniana 15540A 09172015 04 Cl Cy Meneghiniana 15615A 08242015 11 Cl Cy Meneghiniana 15596A 09042015 24 Cl Cy Meneghiniana 15540A 09172015 21 Cl
6.24-18.12 µm
Striae in 10 µm
7-8 (chambered striae by circumference)

Also compare to

Cyclotella agassizensis

Håk. and Kling